Saturday, May 28, 2016

Types of Love

In the English culture the word "love" is used to describe many things. I love my family, I love my friends, I love ice cream, I love movies. "Love" is used loosely in everyday language, but it also holds a serious, intimate meaning when it is expressed to a significant other. Different types of love can be distinguished using the Greek translations: storge, philia, eros, and agape.

Storge is the type of love found between parents and their children; they love them so dearly, regardless of the choices their children make. Philia is a kind of love that exists in friendships. It is a brotherly love that is known by the Greeks to be the highest form of affection. "Philia" love is warm and close and revolves around values of loyalty, commitment, and virtue. "Eros" love is the romantic love depicted by the media. Even though "eros" focuses on sexuality and passion, it is meant for a specific person with whom an intimate relationship is shared. Agape is the love that people have for those around them, independent of their feelings for them. Agape would be used to describe charity, the pure love of Christ. Which of these types of love is the most important to practice in a marriage? An enduring, resilient love between a husband and wife incorporates each of these Greek definitions in some way. Parents should share "storge" for the children by working together to rear them in love and righteousness. "Philia" should be the foundation of their love, built upon a strong and loyal friendship. "Eros" is the passion that keeps their love alive and allows the spark to keep going throughout their relationship. "Agape" is the true love that couples can practice with people around them before they even enter the bonds of matrimony. "Agape" is the verb of love because it encourages people to act on their love through serving one another. A combination of each type of love in a marriage will provide the couple with the strength they need to face the challenges of life and joyfully endure to the end.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Christlike Men

Our society has developed different stereotypes associated with each gender. Common traits belonging to women include gentle, nurturing, sensitive, artistic, kind, emotional, and creative. Traits typically given to men include strong, logical, emotionally stable, thinkers, and brave. These characteristics might not be true for every individual, but they are the stereotypes that have been given to men and women within our society. When little girls are considered to be tomboys, people usually think its adorable and they are admired for their semi-masculine behavior. However, as soon as a boy displays feminine behavior, he is reprimanded and categorized as being homosexual. Why has this issue become so commonplace? A man's sexual orientation should not be indicated by the way he chooses to act. Many women claim to want to marry a "manly man", someone who doesn't possess feminine attributes. But what woman doesn't want her husband to be nurturing, gentle, sensitive, and kind? Are these not also characteristics that the Savior Himself demonstrated throughout His ministry?

An unfortunate flaw within our society is the degradation of Christlike attributes. We have been commanded to become like the Savior and Satan does everything in his power to prevent us from doing so. Men who are simply loving and kind have been labeled as gay. Boys who are more gentle and sensitive are steered away from these traits and are instructed by society to be selfish and void of feeling. Stop associating these righteous characteristics with homosexuality. Instead, let us praise our boys and men for their willingness to be like Christ!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Family Tradition Ideas

A key component to any happy family is the upkeep of enjoyable rituals. These events serve to strengthen the family and provide them with fun experiences to anticipate throughout the year. These traditions are usually practiced during holidays, but can be carried out during every season. 

1. Road Trips
 Some of my best memories from a child were when our family took road trips together. It is the perfect environment to have meaningful conversations, while enjoying movies and "on the road" snacks. The destination can be as close or far as you want, most likely depending on the ages of your children. 
2. Testimony Meeting
 Families can learn and grow together so much in the Gospel. Taking the time for family members to regularly bear their testimonies will help them to each support each other in their progression toward eternal life. 
3. Service
 The greatest joy that families can experience together takes place when they are engaging in selfless, loving service. One of my favorite memories of service was when my mom and I dropped off flowers to a few of our dear friends. It was a simple service, but it taught me about the importance of serving others, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant the act. 
4. Grandparents' House
 The nuclear family unit can create countless memories through the traditions they spend with their extended family members. Grandparents love to be included in the lives of their children and grandchildren. Going to the grandparents' home for special rituals can also be a meaningful experience for your children. 
5. Picnic
 Even though this isn't necessarily a tradition, it is a fun activity that can be implemented in any family. Bringing snacks and a picnic blanket to any location can be a great opportunity for families to bond with one another. Set aside electronic devices and enjoy time outside through watching the clouds and playing sports. 
6. Camping
 This is one of my favorite traditions in our family. We journey to the mountains for a week, leaving behind worries and stresses from the outside world. Going on a camping trip provides families with many opportunities to enjoy time with each other in the great outdoors. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Family Rules

Every orderly home requires a sound structure built upon the obedience to established rules and laws. A common indicator of these laws is a display of the "Family Rules" in the household. The rules are typically listed on a cute wooden sign used solely for decoration, or on an overlooked magnet on the fridge. However, the rules that usually hold the greatest importance are the ones that are unspoken. Tangible displays cannot be found, but the rules are evident in the set pattern of behaviors demonstrated by each family member.
One of the biggest unspoken rules in my home growing up was expressing our gratitude. This rule was implemented at one point, but has since become a pattern in our lives. We thank our Heavenly Father for all that He has given us and continues to give us before every meal and at the beginning and end of each day. We would thank my mom every time she made us a delicious meal. These practices allowed us to recognize the blessings in our lives and helped us avoid feelings of covetousness and entitlement. Other unspoken rules included respecting our parents, speaking words of kindness about our family members, and choosing to center our home around the Savior, Jesus Christ.