Saturday, May 28, 2016

Types of Love

In the English culture the word "love" is used to describe many things. I love my family, I love my friends, I love ice cream, I love movies. "Love" is used loosely in everyday language, but it also holds a serious, intimate meaning when it is expressed to a significant other. Different types of love can be distinguished using the Greek translations: storge, philia, eros, and agape.

Storge is the type of love found between parents and their children; they love them so dearly, regardless of the choices their children make. Philia is a kind of love that exists in friendships. It is a brotherly love that is known by the Greeks to be the highest form of affection. "Philia" love is warm and close and revolves around values of loyalty, commitment, and virtue. "Eros" love is the romantic love depicted by the media. Even though "eros" focuses on sexuality and passion, it is meant for a specific person with whom an intimate relationship is shared. Agape is the love that people have for those around them, independent of their feelings for them. Agape would be used to describe charity, the pure love of Christ. Which of these types of love is the most important to practice in a marriage? An enduring, resilient love between a husband and wife incorporates each of these Greek definitions in some way. Parents should share "storge" for the children by working together to rear them in love and righteousness. "Philia" should be the foundation of their love, built upon a strong and loyal friendship. "Eros" is the passion that keeps their love alive and allows the spark to keep going throughout their relationship. "Agape" is the true love that couples can practice with people around them before they even enter the bonds of matrimony. "Agape" is the verb of love because it encourages people to act on their love through serving one another. A combination of each type of love in a marriage will provide the couple with the strength they need to face the challenges of life and joyfully endure to the end.

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