Saturday, May 21, 2016

Christlike Men

Our society has developed different stereotypes associated with each gender. Common traits belonging to women include gentle, nurturing, sensitive, artistic, kind, emotional, and creative. Traits typically given to men include strong, logical, emotionally stable, thinkers, and brave. These characteristics might not be true for every individual, but they are the stereotypes that have been given to men and women within our society. When little girls are considered to be tomboys, people usually think its adorable and they are admired for their semi-masculine behavior. However, as soon as a boy displays feminine behavior, he is reprimanded and categorized as being homosexual. Why has this issue become so commonplace? A man's sexual orientation should not be indicated by the way he chooses to act. Many women claim to want to marry a "manly man", someone who doesn't possess feminine attributes. But what woman doesn't want her husband to be nurturing, gentle, sensitive, and kind? Are these not also characteristics that the Savior Himself demonstrated throughout His ministry?

An unfortunate flaw within our society is the degradation of Christlike attributes. We have been commanded to become like the Savior and Satan does everything in his power to prevent us from doing so. Men who are simply loving and kind have been labeled as gay. Boys who are more gentle and sensitive are steered away from these traits and are instructed by society to be selfish and void of feeling. Stop associating these righteous characteristics with homosexuality. Instead, let us praise our boys and men for their willingness to be like Christ!

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