Saturday, June 4, 2016

Choosing Love

A common excuse for divorce today is to say that they "fell out of love". Over the years they came to realize that the love that they once felt for one another had since expired and the flame of their love had dimmed. How do couples reach this point in their relationship?
The biggest reason for this tragic ending to a relationship is that couples don't effectively exercise their agency. Husbands and wives need to make the decision everyday to love each other. Just like we have to make decisions daily, the love that we have for our spouse needs to be one that we choose everyday. A way to develop this skill is to recognize things that you love about your partner. It is tempting to say that you notice too many things about them that bother you, especially after the "infatuation period" has ended. Focusing on the positive things and striving to appreciate your significant other will almost always overpower the negative.

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